sisters, who have heard from my mouth the divine word, and who have received the mercy and peace of God and of the Holy Ghost, I pray they may continue to walk without blame in the truth as it is in Jesus Christ.
You know, dear brethren, that for a long time I have instructed you in the faith, teaching you the word of the Lord, and not things foreign to the truth; for I have always sought, seek now, and shall seek unto the end, your salvation. I had intended, before I set out for Constance, to refute the false testimonies, and confound the false witnesses, who wish to bring me to the scaffold, but time has not permitted me, and I will do it at a later period. You, then, who know these things, think not, suppose not, that I encounter unworthy treatment for any false doctrines. Dwell in the truth, and confide yourselves to the mercy of God, who has given you the truth through me, his faithful preacher, to know and defend the truth, and beware of false teachers. . . . . . . As to me, I am setting out to travel with a safe-conduct from the Emperor, to meet and confound my numerous and mortal enemies, as will appear clearer than the day, when they stand before me and produce against me their false testimonies.
Mine enemies in the Council, more numerous than were Christ’s, are found amongst the bishops, and doctors, and also amongst the princes of this age, and the Pharisees. But I confide myself entirely to Almighty God