My keepers have already taken themselves away. I am no longer supplied with food, and I am ignorant of the fate that awaits me in my prison. I implore you to go with the other Nobles to the Emperor, to induce him to put an end to my captivity, that he fall not, on account of me, into sin and confusion. I beseech you also to come and see me with our Nobles of Bohemia, for it is necessary that I should speak with you. Noble Seignior John, go and speedily find the Emperor with the Seignior Wenceslaus and all the others; it would be dangerous to wait: it is important for me that it should be done as soon as possible. Come quickly, and learn the other things which I desire you to do. I fear that the Grand Master of the Papal Court may carry me away with him this night, for he has remained
- ↑ Hist. et Monum. Johann. Huss, Epist. lvi.