[He relates the frightful visions which diversely affected him, although events have confirmed the truth of all his dreams.]
The Lord be with you! The warning of the Lord is more precious to me than gold and topaz. I hope, then, in the mercy of Jesus Christ, that he will grant me his Spirit, that I may hold fast in the truth. Pray to the Lord; for the spirit is willing and the flesh is weak. May the Almighty God be the reward of my well-beloved Nobles, who with a constant, fervent, and faithful heart, persevere in justice. God will enable them to know the truth in the kingdom of Bohemia. But that they may cling to it, it is necessary they return to Bohemia, forgetting vainglory in order to attach themselves to a King who is neither mortal nor subject to our miseries, but who is the King of Glory, giving eternal life.
Oh! with what sweet pleasure did I press the hand of the Seignior John, who did not blush to offer it to me,
- ↑ Hist. et Monum. Johann. Huss, Epist. xxxiii.