happiness. May these glorious martyrs, now united to the King of Glory, deign to intercede for us, that, strengthened by their assistance, we may participate in their glory, after having suffered with humility; since the all-powerful God has declared it is for our welfare that we suffer in this world. Amen.
Written on the Festival of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.
If you can, write to me again, I beseech you, in the name of the Lord. I conjure you also to salute most particularly the Queen, my sovereign; advise her to hold fast to the truth, and not to be scandalised on my account, as if I were a heretic. Salute for me also your wife, whom I conjure you to love in Christ; for I trust she is amongst the children of God, through observing his commandments.
Salute all the friends of the truth.