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century, I was embarrassed by the amplitude of materials, and the difficulty of selection, like a gleaner, who regrets to leave ungarnered so many rich sheaves of ripened gold.


52. "Lucy Howard's Journal."

The narrative of a young life, given in the form of a diary. Its object was to sketch the inner habitudes of the last half century, as they were connected with the nurture of my own sex, and which, if not altogether obsolete, are rapidly becoming matters of tradition. The work appeared under the auspices of the brothers Harper, in three hundred and forty-three pages; and though some of its elementary details, from their simplicity and minuteness, might seem to need excuse, yet they involve principles or affections which have given to New England homes stability and comfort, with that affluence of strength and virtue which has enabled them to distribute freely to the young West seeds and germs that cause her wilderness to blossom as the rose.


53. "The Daily Counsellor."

This book of four hundred and two pages, published by Brown & Gross, of Hartford, was so well received that a second large edition was called for within a fort-