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BOOK OF REVELATION. You have accordingly (as I have often been delighted to learn from your conversation), been enabled to make the grand discovery, that this outward visible world of matter and the inward invisible world of spirit are in the closest connection with each other; insomuch that they are not separated by any measure of space or distance, but, like body and soul, are one, yet distinctly one, and in that oneness are in continual reciprocal operation on each other. You have also, I know, confirmed yourself in this sentiment by the express declarations of your SAVIOUR GOD, Who so frequently announces the nearness of the kingdom of heaven to man, and Who, on one occasion, testifies pointedly to His disciples, saying, “The kingdom of GOD is within you,” [Luke xvii. 21.]. Let me then ask you, whether (according to this doctrine of the ETERNAL TRUTH), you do not think it more than probable, that between the soul of man and the invisible world of spirits, there may exist a perpetual communication, similar to what exists between the body of man and the atmosphere of this world; and that, by virtue of this communication, there may also be a translation, viz. of pure and blessed influences from the world of spirits to the soul, and of certain effluvia, &c. from the soul to the world of spirits; agreeable to what we have seen to take place between