Page:Letters on the Human Body (John Clowes).djvu/150

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of elevating his mind to a wisdom infinitely superior to his own, and which is alone capable of unfolding to him the deep mysteries, not only of his existence, but of all the ordinary operations both of his soul and body.

Let us listen then to the information which this GREAT CREATOR hath been pleased to communicate to us, in His MOST HOLY WORD, on the interesting subject of sleeping and awaking.

In the second chapter of the book of Genesis, verse 21, we read these interesting words, “And the LORD GOD caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept.” Again, in the third Psalm, verse 5, we find it written, “I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me.” Again, in Psalm cxxvii. 2, speaking of the same LORD, or JEHOVAH, the Psalmist testifies concerning Him, “So He giveth His beloved sleep.” Here then the light begins to dawn upon us, and by its brightness we are enabled to discover what, without its aid, must have been for ever concealed from our eyes. We are enabled to discover, I say, that sleep originates in a cause above man, and that the GREAT and HOLY GOD, Whose name is JEHOVAH, is that cause. Whether this cause operates immediately, or (as is more probable) mediately, that is, through the medium of angelic beings, makes, in this case, no