Page:Letters on the Human Body (John Clowes).djvu/207

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On Bodily Health, Bodily Sickness, and Bodily Death; together with the Correspondence of each to similar States of the Mind.

My Dear Sir,

My Dear Sir, It is now high time that I should think of releasing you from the trouble I have lately given you in calling your attention to the several parts and operations of your own body; and therefore, though a thousand other wonders relative to that subject remain still for consideration, yet I feel contented to leave them to your own investigation and decision, after previously presenting you with a few remarks on the phenomena of bodily health, sickness, and death.

But how is it possible, in the compass of a letter, to discuss points of such magnitude, when each of them, singly, would require more than a volume to do it justice! I must be satisfied then with giving a few hints on each, and leave the rest to be supplied by your own reading and reflection.