Page:Letters on the Human Body (John Clowes).djvu/212

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render bodily disease slighter and more tolerable than it would otherwise be. I would also insist further, and this without hesitation, that as bodily disease, according to the testimony of revealed wisdom, originates in sin, or in mental disorder, so there is the surest ground for concluding, that could mankind universally be persuaded to try the efficacy of gospel faith and repentance, and thus return to the order of GOD in their hearts and lives, in such case the quantity and violence of bodily disease would by degrees be diminished, and the blessings of bodily health would be restored in all fulness, as on the first day of man’s creation.

It is manifest then from the above remarks on bodily health, that the mind, or spirit, of man has its health as well as the body, and that mental or spiritual health consists in the mind, or spirit, being in a proper state of mediation between the DIVINE PHYSICIAN and the human body; so that the principle of health may circulate freely from that PHYSICIAN to the mind, or spirit, and from the mind, or spirit, to the body. The precepts of revealed wisdom are, accordingly, so many prescriptions for the recovery of spiritual and natural health, being all of them calculated, in the first place, to open a communication of holy love and wisdom between the soul of man and his MAKER; and in the second place, to effect the descent of that love and wisdom into the