Page:Letters on the Human Body (John Clowes).djvu/56

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the just, but awful expostulation and censure of the GREAT SAVIOUR, “Having eyes, see ye not?” [ Mark, viii. 18.]. Persons of this description, therefore, in beholding the exterior forms of the things of this world, see them, and yet do not see them, because they see only their outward forms, sizes, and colours, but do not see the wonders and the glories of that infinite and adorable goodness, wisdom, and power of the GREAT CREATOR which they were intended to display. They behold nothing, therefore, but the husk and shell of things, which in themselves are dead, whilst they are totally blind to the living principles within, of which the husk and shell are mere coverings. And (what is of still more lamentable importance) in reading the holy Oracles of the ETERNAL WISDOM, which were revealed from heaven for the blessed purpose of opening their eyes to a view and contemplation of an everlasting world, and of their sacred connection with it and its GOD, they still discern nothing but chaff; because they limit their views by looking only at the sense of the letter of the Booh of Life, without opening their intellectual eyes to see, and their penitent hearts to feed upon, the rich and nourishing grain of heavenly love, charity, holiness, and blessedness which are stored up under the letter.

I am persuaded however, my excellent Friend, that