Page:Letters to Lord John Russell on the Further Measures for the Social Amelioration of Ireland.djvu/65

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their removal will, I trust, be among the earliest of your Lordship's recommendations to Parliament at its meeting, which it seems to me cannot be much longer postponed.

Oh, that I may have the intense gratification of hearing your Lordship on that occasion announce

    twelve acres of land, imperial measure, should he attached to each workhouse.

    "That the results to be obtained from such may be thus briefly summed up:—
    The rendering of each workhouse, under the 1st and 2d of Victoria, chap. 56, a reproductive establishment.
    "The advancement of agricultural knowledge in each Union, the Board of Guardians being empowered to employ an intelligent agriculturist to superintend the management of any lands that may thus be attached to each workhouse.
    "The raising up of a class who might eventually prove useful members of society, either as tenants or intelligent labourers, instead of remaining through life a burden on the country.
    "The rendering each workhouse less dependent on the collection of the rates for its maintenance.
    "The increase of the agricultural productions of the country, thus diminishing the excessive ratio of the pauperism to the valuation of Ireland.
    "The power of assisting emigration given by the Poor-law Extension Act may be thus wisely and providentially made use of; as the workhouse could educate a class, so as to fit them to emigrate with advantage to themselves and profit to the country they may locate themselves in.
    "The Legislature might thus extensively reclaim, the waste lands of Ireland through the agency of the Poor-law.
    That the foregoing resolutions be printed, and a copy sent to each Board of Guardians in Ireland, with a hope that, concurring in the views thus laid before them, they may assist in enforcing them on the attention of the Legislature.
    ARTHUR HUTCHINS, Chairman.