Page:Letters to a Young Lady (Czerny).djvu/62

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By this substitution, the five fingers are in a manner multiplied ad infinitum, and we are enabled to play each of the four parts, of which such passages in general consist, as smoothly, connectedly, and in as singing a manner as though we had so many hands.

I beg you, Miss, to study very attentively all that I have said on these subjects in the Second and Third Parts of my Pianoforte School, and to retain it equally in your memory and at your fingers’ ends.

I have now once more put your patience to the test. But I beg of you to recollect, Miss, that much of what I now write to you is calculated for a future period; and therefore that reading over these remarks by and by will prove of still more particular service to you.

In the mean while, I subscribe myself,

&c. &c.