Page:Letters to a Young Lady (Czerny).djvu/7

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The Publishers of my Pianoforte School[1] have expressed to me a wish that I would explain, under the epistolary form, and in a concise, clear, and familiar manner, the peculiar mode of proceeding in the instruction of my pupils, and of leading them forwards step by step, which I have employed during my long career as a teacher of the pianoforte; and that, in so doing, I would fully detail all those minute particulars which, from their nature, could not well find a place in a pianoforte school.

By means of the present work, I have endeavoured to satisfy their request; and I have done so the more willingly, because the form

  1. The work here alluded to is Czerny’s celebrated School for the Pianoforte, which is now in course of publication by Messrs. Cocks and Co. and which is, beyond all comparison, the most extensive and complete method for that instrument ever published.