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the English Nation.

tion of, and which all the Philoſophers, encourag'd by his Promiſes, endeavour'd to dig up.

But that which ſurpriz'd me moſt was to read in his Work, in expreſs Terms, the new Attraction, the Invention of which is aſcrib'd to Sir Iſaac Newton.

We muſt ſearch, says Lord Bacon, whether there may not be a kind of magnetic Power, which operates between the Earth and heavy Bodies, between the Moon and the Ocean, between the Planets, &c. In another Place he ſays, either heavy Bodies muſt be carried towards the Center of the Earth, or muſt be reciprocally attracted by it; and in the latter Caſe 'tis evident, that the nearer Bodies, in their falling, draw towards the Earth, the ſtronger they will attract one another. We muſt, ſays he, make an Experiment to ſee whether the the ſame Clock will go faſter on Top of a Mountain or at the Bottom of a Mine. Whether the Strength of the Weights decreases on the Mountain, and increaſes in the Mine. 'Tis
