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the English Nation.

Crown with Henry the Seventh, the Lord Bacon writes as follows:

"At this Time the King began again to be haunted with Sprites, by the Magick and curious Arts of the Lady Margaret; who raiſed up the Ghoſt of Richard Duke of York, ſecond Son to King Edward the Fourth, to walk and vex the King."[1]

"After ſuch Time as ſhe (Margaret of Burgundy) thought he (Perkin Warbeck) was perfect in his Leſson, ſhe began to caſt with her ſelf from what Coaſt this Blazing-Starre ſhould firſt appear, and at what Time it muſt be upon the Horizon of Ireland; for there had the like Meteor ſtrong Influence before."[2]

Methinks or ſagacious Thuanus does not give into ſuch Fuſtian, which formerly was look'd upon as Sublime, but in this Age is juſtly call'd Nonſenſe.


  1. The Hiſtory of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh, page 112. London, printed in 1641. Folio.
  2. Idem. p. 116