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the English Nation.

ture only. However, he was not believ'd this Time on his bare Word; the Adventure of the Cruſade having a little ſunk the Credit of his Oracles. Afterwards a thouſand Schoolmen aroſe, ſuch as the irrefragable [1]Doctor; the ſubtil Doctor[2], the angelic Doctor[3], the ſeraphic Doctor[4], and the cherubic Doctor, who were all ſure that they had a very clear and diſtinſt Idea of the Soul, and yet wrote in ſuch a Manner, that one would conclude they were refolv'd no one ſhould underſtand a Word in their Writings. Our Des Cartes, born to diſcover the Errors of Antiquity, and at the ſame Time to ſubſtitute his own; and hurried away by that ſyſtematic Spirit which throws a Cloud over the Minds of the greateſt Men, thought he had demonſtrated that the Soul is the ſame Thing as Thought, in the ſame Manner as Matter, in his Opinion, is the ſame as Extenſion. He aſſerted, that Man thinks eternally, and that the
