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the English Nation.

firſt have been certain that it exiſted.

Sir Iſaac Newton ſeems to have deſtroy'd all theſe great and little Vortices, both that which carries the Planets round the Sun, as well as the other which ſuppoſes every Planet to turn on its own Axis.

First, with regard to the pretended little Vortex of the Earth, 'tis demonſtrated that it muſt loſe its Motion by inſenſible Degrees; 'tis demonſrated, that if the Earth ſwims in a Fluid, its Denſity muſt be equal to that of the Earth; and in caſe its Denſity be the ſame, all the Bodies we endeavour to move muſt meet with an inſuperable Reſiſtance.

With regard to the great Vortices, they are ſtill more chimerical, and 'tis impoſſible to make them agree with Kepler's Law, the Truth of which has been demonſtrated. Sir Iſaac ſhows, that the Revolution of the Fluid in which Jupiter is ſuppos'd to be carried, is not the ſame with regard to the Revolution of the Fluid of the Earth,
