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Letters concerning

than that of Attraction, which is unintelligible.

Sir Iſaac might have anſwer'd theſe Criticks thus: Firſt, you have as imperfect an Idea of the Word Impulſion, as of that of Attraction; and in caſe you cannot conceive how one Body tends towards the Center of another Body, neither can you conceive by what Power one Body can impell another.

Secondly, I cou'd not admit of Impulfion, for to do this, I muſt have known that a celeſtial Matter was the Agent; but ſo far from knowing that there is any ſuch Matter, I have prov'd it to be merely imaginary.

Thirdly, I uſe the Word Attraction for no other Reaſon, but to expreſs an Effect which I diſcover'd in Nature; a certain and indiſputable Effect of an unknown Principle; a Quality inherent in Matter, the Cauſe of which Perſons of greater Abilities than I can pretend to, may, if they can, find out.

What have you then taught us? Will theſe People ſay further: And to
