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the English Nation.

leo by his aſtronomical Diſcoveries, Kepler by his Calculation, Des Cartes (at leaſt in his Dioptricks) and Sir Iſaac Newton in all his Works, ſeverally ſaw the Mechaniſm of the Springs of the World. The Geometricians have ſubjected Infinity to the Laws of Calculation. The Circulation of the Blood in Animals, and of the Sap in Vegetables, have chang'd the Face of Nature with regard to us. A new kind of Exiſtence has been given to Bodies in the Air-Pump. By the Aſſiſtance of Teleſcopes Bodies have been brought nearer to one another. Finally, the ſeveral Diſcoveries which Sir Iſaac Newton has made on Light, are equal to the boldeſt Things which the Curioſity of Man could expect, after ſo many philoſophical Novelties.

Till Antonio de Dominis, the Rainbow was conſider'd as an inexplicable Miracle. This Philoſopher gueſs'd that it was a neceſſary Effect of the Sun and Rain. Des Cartes gain'd immortal Fame, by his mathematical Explication of this
