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the English Nation.

dies; that Bodies are not tranſparent when they have large Pores; and that a Man ſhould ariſe, who would demonſtrate all theſe Paradoxes, and anatomize a ſingle Ray of Light with more Dexterity than the ableſt Artiſt diſſects a human Body. This Man is come. Sir Iſaac Newton has demonſtrated to the Eye, by the bare Aſſiſtance of the Priſm, that Light is a Compoſition of colour'd Rays, which, being united, form white Colour. A ſingle Ray is by him divided into ſeven, which all fall upon a Piece of Linen, or a Sheet of white Paper, in their Order one above the other, and at unequal Diſtances. The firſt is Red, the ſecond Orange, the third Yellow, the fourth Green, the fifth Blue, the ſixth Indigo, the ſeventh a Violet Purple. Each of theſe Rays tranſmitted afterwards by an hundred other Priſms, will never change the Colour it bears; in like Manner as Gold, when completely purg'd from its Droſs, will never change afterwards in the Crucible. As a ſuperabundant Proof that
