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the English Nation.

Hartsocher and Lewenhoeck diſputed with each other the Honour of having firſt ſeen the Vermiculi of which Mankind are form'd. This Hartſocher alſo conteſted with Huygens the Invention of a new Method of calculating the Diſtance of a fix'd Star. 'Tis not yet known to what Philoſopher we owe the Invention of the Cycloid.

Be this as it will, 'tis by the Help of this Geometry of Infinites that Sir Iſaac Newton attain'd to the moſt ſublime Diſcoverieſ. I am now to ſpeak of another Work, which tho' more adapted to the Capacity of the human Mind, does nevertheleſs diſplay ſome Marks of that creative Genius with which Sir Iſaac Newton was inform'd in all his Reſearches. The Work I mean is a Chronology of a new kind, for what Province ſoever he undertook, he was ſure to change the Ideas and Opinions receiv'd by the reſt of Men.

Accustom'd to unravel and diſintangle Chaos's, he was reſolv'd to convey at leaſt ſome Light into that of the Fa-
