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Letters concerning

paring the Poſition of the Heavens at this Time, with their Poſition in that Age, we find that the Expedition of the Argonauts ought to be plac'd about nine hundred Years before Chriſt, and not about fourteen hundred; and conſequently that the World is not ſo old by five hundred Years as it was generally ſuppos'd to be. By this Calculation all the Æra's are drawn nearer, and the ſeveral Events are found to have happen'd later than is computed. I don't know whether this ingenious Syſtem will be favourably receiv'd; and whether theſe Notions will prevail ſo far with the Learned, as to prompt them to reform the Chronology of the World. Perhaps theſe Gentlemen would think it too great a Condeſcenſion, to allow one and the ſame Man the Glory of having improv'd natoral Philoſophy, Geometry and Hiſtory. This would be a kind of univerſal Monarchy, which the Principle of Self-Love that is in Man, will ſcarce ſuffer him to indulge his Fellow-Creature; and, indeed, at the ſame Time that
