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the English Nation.

nio, the ſuperannuated Senator plays, in his Miſreſs's Preſence, all the apiſh Tricks of a lewd, impotent Debauchee who is quite frantic and out of his Senſes. He mimicks a Bull and a Dog; and bites his Miſtreſs's Legs, who kicks and whips him. However, the Players have ſtruck theſe Buffooneries (which indeed were calculated merely for the Dregs of the People) out of Otway's Tragedy; but they have ſtill left in Shakeſpear's Julius Cæsar, the Jokes of the Roman Shoemakers and Coblers, who are introduc'd in the ſame Scene with Brutus and Caſſius. You will undoubtedly complain, that thoſe who have hitherto diſcours'd with you on the Engliſh Stage, and eſpecially on the celebrated Shakeſpear, have taken Notice only of his Errors; and that no one has tranſlated any of thoſe ſtrong, thoſe forcible Paſſages which atone for all his Faults. But to this I will anſwer, that nothing is eaſier than to exhibit in Proſe all the ſilly Impertinencies which a Poet may have thrown out; but that 'tis a very difficult Taſk
