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the English Nation.

To be, or not to be! that is the Question!
Whether 'tis nobler in the Mind to ſuffer
The Stings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms againſt a Sea of Troubles,
And by oppoſing, end them? To dye! to ſleep!
No more! and by a Sleep to ſay we end
The Heart-ach, and the thouſand natural Shocks
That Fleſh is Heir to! 'Tis a Conſummation
Devoutly to be wiſh'd. To die! to ſleep!
To ſleep, perchance to dream! Oy, there's the Rub;
For in that Sleep of Deaths what Dreams may come
When we have ſhuffled off this, mortal Coyle,
Muſt give us Pauſe. There's the reſpect
That makes Calamity of ſo long Life:
For who wou'd bear the Whips and Scorns of Time,
