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Letters concerning

Wycherley has alſo copied from Moliere another Play, of as ſingular and bold a Caſt, which is a kind of Ecole des Femmes, or, School for married Women.

The principal Character in this Comedy is one Horner, a ſly Fortune-Hunter, and the Terror of all the City Huſbands. This Fellow in order to play a ſurer Game, cauſes a Report to be ſpread, that in his laſt Illneſs, the Surgeons had found it neceſſary to have him made an Eunuch. Upon his appearing in this noble Character, all the Huſbands in Town flock to him with their Wives, and now poor Horner is only puzzled about his Choice. However, he gives the Preference particularly to a little female Peaſant; a very harmleſs, innocent Creature, who enjoys a fine Fluſh of Health, and cuckolds her Huſband with a Simplicity that has infinitely more Merit than the witty Malice of the moſt experienc'd Ladies. This Play cannot indeed be call'd the School of good Morals, but 'tis certainly the School of Wit and true Humour.
