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Letters concerning

racter or Ability; but a Buononcini eſteems that great Artiſt, and does Juſtice to his Merit.

The Engliſh have ſome other good comic Writers living, ſuch as Sir Richard Steele, and Mr. Cibber, who is an excellent Player, and alſo Poet Laureat, a Title which how ridiculous ſover it may be thought, is yet worth a thouſand Crowns a Year, (beſides ſome coſiderable Privileges) to the Perſon who enjoys it. Our illuſtrious Corneille had not ſo much.

To conclude. Don't deſire me to deſcend to Particulars with regard to theſe Engliſh Comedies, which I am ſo fond of applauding; nor to give you a ſingle ſmart Saying, or humorous Stroke from Wycherley or Congreve. We don't laugh in reading a Tranſlation. If you have a Mind to underſtand the Engliſh Comedy, the only way to do this will be for you to go to England, to ſpend three Years in London, to make your ſelf Maſter of the Engliſh Tongue, and to frequent the Play-houſe every Night. I receive
