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the English Nation.

ly Penſion of twelve hundred Livres; or elſe might have been impriſon'd in the Baſtile upon Pretence that certain Strokes in his Tragedy of Cato had been diſcover'd, which glanc'd at the Porter of ſome Man in Power. Mr. Addiſon was rais'd to the Poſt of Secretary of State in England. Sir Iſaac Newton was made Warden of the Royal Mint. Mr. Congreve had a conſiderable [1]Employment. Mr. Prior was Plenipotentiary. Dr. Swift is Dean of St. Patrick in Dublin, and is more rever'd in Ireland than the Primate himſelf. The Religion which Mr. Pope profeſſes excludes him indeed from Preferments of ev'ry kind, but then it did not prevent his gaining two hundred Thouſand Livres by his excellent Tranſlation of Homer. I my ſelf ſaw a long Time in France the Author of [2]Rhadamiſtus ready to periſh for Hunger: And the Son of one of the greateſt Men[3] our Country ever gave Birth to, and who was beginning to run the noble Ca-

  1. Secretary for Jamaica.
  2. Mr. de Crebillon.
  3. Racine.