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Letters concerning

Ears. His Tryal is now extant.

The Italians are far from attempting to caſt a Blemiſh on the Opera, or to excommunicate Signior Seneſino or Signora Cuzzoni. With regard to my ſelf, I cou'd preſume to wiſh that the Magiſtrates wou'd ſuppreſs I know not what contemptible Pieces, written againſt the Stage. For when the Engliſh and Italians hear that we brand with the greateſt Mark of Infamy an Art in which we excell; that we excommunicate Perſons who receive Salaries from the King; that we condemn as impious a Spectacle exhibited in Convents and Monaſteries; that we diſhonour Sports in which Lewis the Fourteenth, and Lewis the Fifteenth perform'd as Actors; that we give the Title of the Devil's Works to Pieces which are receiv'd by Magiſtrates of the moſt ſevere Character, and repreſented before a virtuous Queen; when, I ſay, Foreigners are told of this inſolent Conduct, this Contempt for the Royal Authority, and this Gothic Ruſticity which ſome preſume to call Chriſtian Se-
