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the English Nation.

difficult kind and a more ſenſible Uſe, embrace the Knowledge of Nature and the Improvements of the Arts. We may preſume that ſuch profound, ſuch uninterrupted Purſuits as theſe, ſuch exact Calculations, ſuch refin'd Diſcoveries, ſuch extenſive and exalted Views, will, at laſt, produce ſomething that may prove of Advantage to the Univerſe. Hitherto, as we have obſerv'd together, the moſt uſeful Diſcoveries have been made in the moſt barbarous Times. One wou'd conclude, that the Buſineſs of the moſt enlightned Ages and the moſt learned Bodies, is, to argue and debate on Things which were invented by ignorant People. We know exactly the Angle which the Sail of a Ship is to make with the Keel, in order to its ſailing better; and yet Columbus diſcover'd America, without having the leaſt Idea of the Property of this Angle: However I am far from inferring from hence, that we are to confine our ſelves merely to a blind Practice, but happy it were, wou'd Natu-
