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A Letter concerning

aſſuring the World, that upon enquiring ſtrictly into this Report, I find it entirely groundleſs. I am alſo to declare, that Altena was infected with contagious Diſtempers at the Time of the Fire. The Hamburghers I am aſſured had no Hoſpitals, no Place were they might ſhelter from the reſt of the People, the old Men and the Women who died in their Sight. They therefore cannot in any manner be accus'd for refuſing them Admittance. We are always to prefer the Preſervation of our own City to the Safety of Strangers. I ſhall take the utmoſt care to have this Incident corrected in the New Edition of the Hiſtory of Charles the Twelfth, now printing at Amſterdam, and the whole ſhall be ſet down agreeable to the moſt ſcrupulous Truth, which I always profeſs'd, and will prefer to all Things.

I alſo heard, that in ſome Weekly Papers, certain Letters of the Poet Rouſſeau, (as injurious as ill written) have been inſerted relating to the Tragedy of Zayre. This Author of ſeveral Plays, all of which were hiſs'd off the Stage, cenſures
