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I N D E X.

Father with regard to the State of the Soul after Death, p. 96.

Bernoulli. Whether he invented the integral Calculation, p. 154.

Bibliotheque Raisone'e. An uſeful Journal, but not known in France, p. 245.

Bodies. Cauſe of their Denſity diſcover'd by Sir Iſaac Newton, p. 146.

Bolingbroke (Viſcount) conſider'd as one of the Defenders of the Church of England, p. 36. An ingenious and noble Anſwer of that Lord, relating to the Duke of Marlborough, in the oppoſite Party, p. 86.

Brounker (Lord) ſquar'd the Hyperbola, p. 152.


Charta Magna. A famous Edict which the Engliſh look upon as the Foundation of their Liberties, p. 64. Examination of that Charter, p. 65, & ſeq.

Chinese. The Practice of Inoculation has been among that People above two hundred Years, p. 82.

Chronology. The new Diſcoveries Sir Iſaac Newton made in that Science, p. 156. Principles on which he eſtabliſh'd them, p. 157, 159.

Cibber (Mr.) an Engliſh Poet, and an excellent Comedian, p. 190.

Circassians. The Inoculation of the Small Pox invented by that People. Rea-
