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the English Nation.

wars which three or four sects had rais'd in the name of God, that one George Fox, born in Leicestershire, and son to a silk-weaver, took it into his head to preach; and, as he pretended, with all the requisites of a true apostle, that is, without being able either to read or write. He was about twenty five[1] years of age, irreproachable in his life and conduct, and a holy mad-man. He was equip'd in leather from head to foot, and travell'd from one village to another, exclaiming against war and the clergy. Had his invectives been levell'd against the soldiery only, he would have been safe enough, but he inveigh'd against ecclesiasticks; Fox was seize'd at Derby, and being carried before a justice of peace; he did not once offer to pull off his leathern hat; upon which an officer gave him a great box o'th' ear, and cried to him, Don't you know you are to appear uncover'd before his worship? Fox presented his other cheek to the officer, and begg'd him to give him another box for God's sake. The justice

  1. Fox could read at that age.