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Letters concerning

are now ſpread over a great part of Europe; that Mahomet, tho' ſo ignorant, ſhould have given a religion to Aſia and Africa; and that Sir Iſaac Newton, Dr. Clark, Mr. Locke, Mr.Le Clerc &c. the greateſt philoſophers, as well as the ableſl writers of their ages, ſhould ſcarce have been able to raiſe a little flock, which even decreaſes daily.

This it is to be born at a proper period of time. Were Cardinal de Retz to return again into the world, neither his eloquence nor his intrigues would draw together ten women in Paris.

Were Oliver Cromwell, he who beheaded his Sovereign and ſeiz'd upon the kingly dignity, to riſe from the dead, he wou'd be a wealthy city trader, and no more.