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Letters concerning

Fleets at the ſame Time to three different and far diſtanc'd Parts of the Globe. One before Gibraltar, conquer'd and ſtill poſſeſs'd by the Engliſh; a ſecond to Porto Bello, to diſpoſſeſs the King of Spain of the Treaſures of the Weſt-Indies; and a third into the Baltick, to prevent the Northern Powers from coming to an Engagement.

At the Time when Lewis XIV made all Italy tremble, and that his Armies, which had already poſſeſs'd themfelves of Savoy and Piedmont, were upon the Point of taking Turin; Prince Eugene was oblig'd to march from the Middle of Germany in order to ſuccour Savoy. Having no Money, without which Cities cannot be either taken or defended, he addreſs'd himſelf to ſome Engliſh Merchants. Theſe, at an Hour

and half's Warning, lent him five Millions, whereby he was enabled to deliver Turin, and to beat the French; after which he wrote the following ſhort Letter to the Perſons who had diſburs'd him the abovemention'd Sums: "Gentlemen, I have receiv'd your Mo-
