Page:Lewis & Dryden's marine history of the Pacific Northwest.djvu/10

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tiiceiitlves for Marine Rxploralion in the Vacific Nortliwest — MaKellaii Knters the I'acific Meii<lo7.a Oinpalclieii the I'irat Fleet to Search for the Northwest I'asaaue - Arrival of Sir Francis Drake ami the "Golden Hind"— Jiian de Fneii's Discovery — Wreck of the Beeswax Ship — Hcceta Discovers the River St. Roc — Captain Cook'* Explorations — I'ortlock and Dixon Arrive, 1786 Uentenanl Meares and the " Nootka " — I.annchinn "f the First Vessel in the Northwest — Meares Kntcrs the Straits of Jnun de Fura — Arrival of t'.rny and Kcndrick With the "Columbia" and " I.ady WasliinKton " -Spain Seizes all Hrilish Vessels in the Northwest— Capt. C.eorKe Vancouver Arrives with the " Discovery " and " Chatham " — Oray Knters and Names the Columbia -Cfrowlh of the Fur Trade— Massacre of the Crew of the Ship " Boston "—Rise and I'all of Aslor's Kuterprise at the Mouth of the Columbia — Fate of the "Tonc|uiu" — Schooners "Vancouver" and " Dolly " I.aunched — Wreck of the " William and Ann "--The Pioneer Steamer " Beaver " Arrives - I.OK-books of Steamer " Beaver " and Schooner " Vancouver "—H. M S. "Sulphur"


Building of the " Star of Oregon " I.oss of the Brig " Peacock " -Arrival of the Barks " Maryland ' and " Chenamus " —The Schooners " Calapooia " and "Wave" Built on the Columbia Wreck of the "Shark " Crowtli of the Coasting Busiues.s— F'irst Mail Received at Portland— The "Sylvia de C.rasse " anil Other Noted Wrecks -Fl.Uboat Navigation of the Willamette The First River Steamboat— Arrival of the Pioneer Steamships " Caroline ' and "Cold Hunter "—The Steamer " Lot Whitcomb " Launched - The Columbia River's First Pilot Schooner — The Unipipia River Receives a 'isit From Ocean-going Vessels— Branch Licenses Issued to Columbia River Pilots .


The First Steamer on the Upper Willamette — The Steamers "Multnomah," "Canemah", "Washington" and "Blackhawk" —The "James P. Flint " on the Middle Columbia — The Iron Propeller "Williamate" — Mining Started at Fort Rupert — The Steamship " Columbia" — The Venerable "Goliah" — The Firsl Coasting License Issued on Puget Sound — Exact" arrives at Alki Point with Founders of Seattle Change of Ownership in Vessels— I.oss of the Steamship "Cieneral Warren " The Pacific Mail Fstablislies IIead(|Uarters at St. Iltlens - Oyster Schooners on Sboalwater Bay — Additions to the Coasting Fleet - The "Susan Sturgis" Seizied by the Indians — Steamship " Beaver" Seized for Violation of Revenue Laws — Loss of the Bark "Lord Raglan" and the Brigs "Bordeaux " and "Marie"


Arrival of the Steamer "Traveler" on Puget .Sound Loss of the " Major Tompkins" — Puget Sound Steamers " Water Lily " and " Daniel Webster "— The Pioneer Steamship "California" Steamship " America "—The "James Clinton " Reaches I{ugeue City on the Willamette - Indian Troubles on the Columbia and Puget .Souml The Steamship ' Oregon " — Schooner " Calaniet "—Wreck of the " Desdemoua "—Arrival of Steamer " Conslitiitioii " — Steamer "Sea Bird" — Steamboats "Surprise" and " Klk " — Steamers "Ilassalo" and " Mouiitaiu lluik " — Steamer " Vancouver " — A Tnalitin River .Steamboat — Oregon's First liar Tug, the " I'carless" The llarkeutine "Jane A. Falkeuberg" — Steamer ' Portland " Swept Over Oregon City F'alls -Boiler Ivxplo-iions 011 .Steamers " Fairy " and " Washington " - Rush to the Fraser River (iold Mines — Building of Steamers " Fli/a AndersDii " and"Julia" — Loss of the Steamer "Traveler" — The "Venture," the I'irst .Steamer to Shoot the Cascades — The Novel Trip of the " Maria " From San Francisco to Puget Sound .S


First Steamboat on I'liper Columbia— Steamers "Cioveruor Douglas" and "Colonel Moody" Built at Victoria .'rrival of Steamship '■ Labouchere "— The First Lighthouse Tender-Steamer "Carrie Ladd"— Steamship "Jolin T. Wright" Built at Port Ludlow— The I'niou Transportation Company- The "Kuterprise," the I'irst Steamer oil the Chehalis River — The San Juan Trouble — Puget Sound Lumber Fleet — Boiler Ivxplo.sion on Steamer "Caledonia" — Schooners " Blue Wing" and " Kllen Marie" Destroyed by the Indians and Crews Murdered - Oregon Steam Navigation Company— A Cattle-power Boat on the Willamette— Steamer " Idaho " — Victoria Steamers "Henrietta," "Hope," and "Flying Dutchman "—Loss of Steamship " Norllieruer"— Wreck of the "John Mar:, hall," "Consort," " Floreucia," and "Nanette" .Sidewheelei " Ivnterprise " 011 the .Sound as an Opposition Boat— First Propellers Built in the Victoria District— Boiler Explosions on the "Cariboo" and "Fort Yale " —Steamers "Tenino" and " Okanogan "-Captain Taylor Brings the "St. Clair" Over Oregon City Falls of Schooner "Woodpecker" Brig "Persevere" Founders Off Flattery— Fourteen Lives Lost oil the F'raser .So


The Golden Days of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company— The People's rransporlatiou Company— Portland's I'irst Seaside Boat — HoUaday's Jlo.nx) a Month Subsidy — British Steamers "Thames" and "Diana" Captain Irving's " Reliance"— William Moore Opens Navigation on the .Slickeen River— Steamer " Shubrick " Versus Port Townsend— The Oldest Shipmaster iu the Northwest— Wreck of .Schooner "Tolo," Bark "Ann Barnard," and Schooner " Brant "—Establishment of Steamboat luspector's Office in Portland— War ami Peace Between the Oregon Steam Navigation and People's Transportation Compauies -Many New Steamers Built— The F'irst Steamer Over the Rapids at Celilo— Pioneer .Sound Steamers "J. B. Libby" and "Mary Woodruff" " British