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visit; to pay a visit; to come and see; to call on.

Aplankytojas, f. -ja, s. visitor,

Aplankos, , sf. pl. visit; call.

Aplankstyti (-stau, -sčiau, -stysiu). v. frq. to bend or bow round; to turn up.

Aplaużinēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), Aplaużyti (-żau, -żiau, -żysiu), v. frq., Aplaużti (-żiu, -żiau, -żysiu), v. a. to break off; [medį] to break off the branches; to lop.

Apleidējas, f. -ja, s. abandoner; omitter.

Apleidimas, -o, sm. abandonment; desertion; ‖ omission.

Apleipti (-pstu, -pau, -psiu), v. n. to faint; to swoon.

Apleistas, f. -ta, defin. -tasis, f. -toji, prt. left; abandoned; forsaken; omitted.

Apleisti (-leidżiu, -leidau (or -leidżiau), -leisiu), v. a. to leave; to abandon; to desert; to quit; to omit.

Aplēkdinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to cause to run or fly round.

Aplekti (-lekiu, -lēkiau, -lēksiu), v. a. to run or fly round.

Aplenkti (-kiu, -kiau, -ksiu), v. a. to get ahead; to pass by; to pass over; ‖ to avoid; ‖ to bend around.

Aplieti, see [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Aplink, prep. with acc. round; around; about.

Aplinkbēgis, -io, sm. circular motion; circuit; moving round.

Aplinkybē, -ēs, sf. surroundings; circumstance; environment.

Aplinkinē, -ēs, sf. environs; vicinity.

Aplinkinis, f. -nē, adj. lying round about; neighboring.

Aplinkis, = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Aplinkkelis, -io, sm. detour.

Aplinkmuris, -io, sm. rampart; rampier; bulwark; wall.

Aptinkraštis, -čio, sm. circular; circular letter.

Aplinkregē, -ēs, sf. horizon.

Aplinkui, adv. around; about.

Aplinkżodis, -dżio, sm. obscure words; ambages; circumlocution.

Aplušimas, -o, sm. crippledness.

Aplušinimas, -o, sm. crippling.

Aplušinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to cripple.

Aplušti (-štu, -šau, -šiu), v. n. to be crippled.

Apmaina, -os, sf. exchange; barter; truck; replacement; substitution.

Apmainyti (-nau, -niau, -nysiu), v. a. to exchange; to substitute.

Apmaldyti (-dau, -dżiau, -dysiu), v. a. to appease; to calm; to make quiet.

Apmąstyti (-stau, -sčiau, -stysiu), v. a. to consider; to deliberate; to contrive; to devise; to plan.

Apmalai, , sm. pl. warp. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Apmatyti (-tau, -čiau, -tysiu), v. a. n. to see; to perceive.

Apmatomas, f. -ma, defin. -masis, f. -moji, prt. visible; perceivable by the eye.

Apmatuoti (-tuoju, -tavau, -tuosiu), v. a. to measure; to fathom; to penetrate; to find the extent; ‖ to lay the threads on the loom.

Apmauda, -os, sf., Apmaudas, -o, sm. displeasure; soreness; dudgeon; spite; anger; indignation.

Apmaudauti (-dauju, -davau, -dausiu), Apmauduoti (-duoju, -davau, -duosiu), v. n. to fret; to be angry.

Apmaudingas, f. -ga, defin. -gasis, f. -goji, adj. fretful; malicious; angry. ‖ —gai, adv. maliciously; angrily; peevishly.

Apmaudingumas, -o, sm. fretfulness; maliciousness.

Apmauduoti, see [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Apmaudus, f. -di, defin. -dusis, f. -dżioji, adj. malicious; angry. = [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Apmaustyti (-stau, -sčiau, -stysiu), v. frq., Apmauti (-mauju, -moviau, -mausiu), v. a. to put on; to cover.

Apmazgoti (-goju, -gojau, -gosiu), v. a. to wash.

Apmeluoti (-luoju, -lavau, -luosiu), v. a. to belie; to tell a lie about one; ‖ to impose upon; to slander.

Apmesti (-metu, -mečiau, -mesiu), v. a. to throw upon; ‖ [metmenis] to lay the threads on the loom.

Apminkyti (-kau, -kiau, -kysiu), v. a. to knead up.

Apmiręs, f. -rusi, prt. half-dead; fig. torpid.

Apmirti (-mirštu, -miriau, -mirsiu), v. n.