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and it waa the leaves of this sapling which caused the flicker of whiteness.

"His walking-stick has grown!” said Cornelius. “It was a rough one—cut from the hedge, I remember.”

At every puff of wind the tree turned white, till they could not bear to look at it; and they walked away.

"I see him every night,” Corneliua murmured, ... "Ah, we read our Hebrews to little account, Jos! 'Yré peeve oravpéy, aicyvyne xarapporhoac. To have endured the cross, despising the shame—there lay greatness! But now I often feel that I should like to put an end to trouble here in this self-same spot,”

“I have thought of it myself,” said Joshua.

"Perhaps we shall, some day,” murmured his brother.

“Perhaps,” said Joshua, moodily,

With that contingency to consider in the silence of their nights and days they bent their steps homeward.

December, 1888.