Page:Life-histories of Indian insects - Microlepidoptera - T. Bainbrigge Fletcher.djvu/24

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6 LIFE-HISTORIES OF PTEROPHORIDJE B U C KLER IA XERODES, MEYR. Trichoptilus xerodes, Meyr., T. E. S., 1886, 14 (i), I.e. 1885, 422(2), I.e. 1887, 267 (3), B. J., XVII, 134 (1906) (*) ; Fletcher, Spolia Zeylan., VI, 30, t. A f. 9, t. F f. 4; (1909) (5) ; Meyr., Gen. Ins. Pteroph.. p. 5, tab. f 2 (1910) (6). This species is widely distributed throughout Australia ('^ — 3) ^j^^ j^^s also been recorded from New Guinea()/and Ceylon(^). We have it from Nagpur, where it was reared by Katiram Khamparia on 22nd November, 1912, from a larva found on pods of Cajanus indicns, from Khurda, Pollibetta (Coorg), and from Trincomali and Haldummulla in Ceylon. A larva found at Peradeniya on 26th December, 1907, on Gynandropsis sp. (Capparidese) was described as " about 12 mm. long, cylindrical, mode- rately stout. Head yellowish with an orange tinge. Colour of other segments a uniform pale yellow. A large brown latero-dorsal wait emits a long white Lair and about five short ones. Below this is a small black supraspiracular tubercle emitting a single short white hair and bearing a short secondary hair. Spiracle small, black. A small black subspiracular tubercle emits (1) a short white hair directed forwards and downwards, (2) a longer white hair directed backwards and downwards. Below this and a little behind it is a small Mack wart emitting a single hair. Towards the ventral surface are two (? three) small black warts emitting white hairs. There are numerous small knobbed white secondary hairs. All warts are well raised above the surface of the skin, and the divisions of the segm_ents are well marked. (Plate F, figure 4)."'(") This larva was not reared and at the time was only supposed to be B. xerodes but later on Mr. Green informed me that he had bred this species from similar larvse on this foodplant. BeCKCERTA DEEECTALIS, WLK. (PLATE I, FIG. 1.) ; Pterophorus defectalis, Wlk., Cat. XXX, 943 {18U){');^'^:^J ^'^^^ - PteropJiorus congrualis, Wlk., Cat. XXX, 943 (1864)(2). Pterophorus oxydactylus, Wlk., Cat. XXX, 944 (1864)(3). Trichoplilus oehrodactylus, Fish, Canad. Ent. XIII, 142 (1881)(^) ; Fernald, Pteroph. N. Amer., 2nd edit., p. 15 (1898)(>)- Trichoptilus compsochares, Meyr., T. E. S., 1886, 16 (1886)(). Trichoptilus centetes, Meyr., T. E. S., 1886, 16-17 (1886)('), id., I.e. 1887, 266 (1887)(«) ; Wlsm., P. Z. S., 1891, 494(), id., I.e. (1897), 56('"). Trichoptilus ralumensis, Pag., Zoologica, XXIX, 239(i^). Aciplilia oxydaetyla, Wlsm. P. Z. S., 1885, 885(i-), Moore, Lep. Ceylon, III, 529, t. 209, f. 16(^3).