Page:Life-histories of Indian insects - Microlepidoptera - T. Bainbrigge Fletcher.djvu/47

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14 L1FE-HI8TORIES UF PTEROPHOKID^ darker, itli slight black scale-teeth at | and | and wisps of blackish hairs at 5/6 and anal angle, this last followed by a white wisp. Hindwing cleft from about 2/5 and 1/G : first segment narrow, parallel- sided, rather blunt at apex ; second segment narrower than first, gradually narrowing to apf^^x^ third segnvent almost linear, narrower than second, nar- rowing to apix-: tawny-brown, thickly iriorated with black. C'ilia dark tawny brown, paler within clefts ; posterior margin of second segment with an ill-defined whitish wisp beyond I, third segn^ent with a strong triangular black scale-tooth on dorsum at 2/3, between this and base dorsal area with a few scattered black and white scales, beyond this dorsal cilia faintly whitish basally. Dehra Dun, October t§tS. {OUenhach). Bred from larva? on lettuce. Three specimens, of which two are in poor condition. This species is superficially much like a large, dark, strong'y-marked S2)henarches cajfer, froni, which it may easily be separated by the entire absence of black scales on the aiiterior margin of the third segment of the hinding. It is possible that this species may be 2C' Sphenarches, but 1 have been unable to determine satisfactorily the origin of vein 10 of the forewing. OXYPTILUS EPIDECTE8, MEYR. Oxyptilus epidectes, Meyr., T. E. ^. 1907, 476-177 {1908)(i) ; Fletcher, Spolia Zeylan, VI, 26, t. A f. 5 (1909) (^). e Originally described from Burma (MoijA, Nilgiris, Coorg, Ceylon (Mas- keliya) and Mauritius, this species is also known from Kandy and Madulsin^a and we have specimens from Madulsima and Haldummulla in Ceylon and from Pollibetta in tSouth Coorg. The moths have been bred from Biophylum sensitivum, which is evidently the foodplant(-). OXYPTILUS CHORDITES, MEYR. Oxyptilus chordites, Meyr., Exot. Micr., I, 106 (1913)(i). Described from Colombo and Karwar(^). Larva on Calycopteris JIoribunda{^). OXYPTILUS PELECYNTES, MEYR. Oxyptilus pelecyntes, Meyr., T. E. S. 1907, 177 (1908)('). This species was described from the Khasi Hills('), where it is common, the larva feeding on Scutellaria discolor. AVe have it from tShillong and from Halduninml'a (Ceylon).