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Life Among the Piutes.

“Oh,” says grandpa, “it is the good white woman; I mean my white sister, who comes here to see you. She has made you well. She put some medicine on your face, and has made you see. Ain’t you glad to see?”

“I said, “Can I see her now?”

“Yes, she will come pretty soon; she comes every day to see you.”

Then my mother came with something for me to eat, but I said, “Wait, grandpa, tell me more about the good woman.”

He said, “My dear child, she is truly an angel, and she has come every day to see you. You will love her, I know.”

“Dear grandpa, will she come pretty soon? I want to see her.”

Grandpa said, “I will go and get her. You won’t be afraid, will you?”

So my grandpa went. I tried my best to eat, but I could not, it was so hard.

My sister said, “They are coming.”

I said, “Mother, fix my eyes so I can see the angel. Has it wings, mother?”

Mother said, “You will see for yourself.”

Just then they came, and grandpa said, “Here she is.” The first thing she did she put her beautiful white hand on my forehead. I looked at her; she was, indeed, a beautiful angel. She said the same words as before. I asked my grandpa what she was saying. Then he told me what she meant by it. I began to get well very fast, and this sweet angel came every day and brought me something nice to eat; and oh, what pretty dresses she brought me. When she brought the dresses she talked to my grandpa a long time, and she cried, and after she went away he said to my mother,—