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led into another scheme with Dunbar. Haggart thought himself certain of his own liberty, but he thought it would be a grand thing to elear the jail of all the prisoners. Laurie, another prisoner, proposed getting a stene, and tying it in a napkin, and some morning to knoek down Hunter, the head jailor, and take the keys from him. Haggart was not fond of using the stone, as he did not want to hurt the jailor; and he proposed, when Thomas Morrin came up to tho man under sentence of death, to gag him into a closet at the head of the stairs, and take the keys from him; Dunbar and some others got the stone and put it into a bag. On Tuesday, the 10th of October, about twelve o'elock, they notieed Hunter the head turnkey, leave the jail to attend the Raees, and shortly after, Morrin eame up with two ministers, whom he loeked in the cell with M'Grory, who was under sentenee of death. Shortly after, Haggart plaeed himself in the eloset at the head of the stairs, where he had previously put the stone and bag. Dunbar ealled up Morrin to let out the ministers. He eame up accordingly with a plate of potatoo soup for M'Grory, and when he got up to the top of the stairs, Haggart eame out upon him from the closet, and the pushing open of the door knocked the plate out of his hand; he then struck him one blow with the stone, dashed him down, and without the loss of a moment, pulled the key of the outer door from his poeket; he gave only one blow with the stone and threw it down. Dunbar picked it up, but no more blows were given, so that Morrin must have received his other blows in falling. Haggart observed Dunbar on the top of him, rifling his breast for the key which he had got. Simpson had a hold of Morrin's shoulders, and was beating bis back upon the steps