no physic but tobacco; and I went, directed by Heaven no doubt, to scarch for some in the chest; and there I found a Bible! I hrought that and the tobacco to my table; some I hurnt in a pan, holding my head over the fume, and some I chewed. I opened my book, and the first words on which I cast my eyes were, “Call upon mc in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee.” The words struck me; hut I could read no more, for the tobacco made me excessively sleepy. I therefore went to bed, and falling into a sound sleep, I believe I slept two days; and awoke perfectly recovered.

I now took a survey of the island; and at about two miles distant from my habitation, found some fine savannahs, and a little further a variety of fruit, melons upon the ground, and vines covered with clusters of grapes. I carricd some grapes and a few limes baek with me; but the grapes were spoiled before I got home. I went the next day and gathered a large quantity of grapes and hung them upon the out branches of the