turned about and swam towards the land; and as he was an excellent swimmer, I made no doubt but he reached the shore with ease.
When he was gone, I turned to the boy, whom they called Xury, and said to him, “Xury, if you will bo faithful to me, I will make you a great man: but if you will not stroke your face to be true to me,” (that is, swear by Mahomet and his

father’s beard,) “I must throw you in to the sea too.” The boy smiled in my face, and spoke so innocently, that I could not mistrust him: he sworo to be faithful to me, and go all over the world with me.
While I was in view of Muley, I stood out to sea, but it no sooner grew dark, than I changed my course, and steered to the south, I mado such sail, that before the end of the next day, I believe, I was beyond the Emperor of Morocco’s dominions. Yet so dreadful were my apprehensions of falling again into my master’s hands, that I would not stop to go on shore, till I had