V. The Specific Form: its Acquisition, its Reparation
VI. Nutrition. Functional Assimilation. Functional
Distribution. Assimilating Synthesis 209
The Life of Matter.
I. Universal Life (Opinions of the Philosophers
and Poets). Continuity between Brute Bodies
and Living Bodies. Origin of the Principle of
Continuity 239
II. Origin of Living Matter in Brute Matter 249
III. Organization and Chemical Composition of Living
Matter and Brute Matter 255
IV. Evolution and Mutability of Living Matter and
Brute Matter 259
V. The Composition of the Specific Form. Living
Bodies and Crystals. Cicatrization 281
VI. Nutrition in the Living Being and in the
Crystal 290
VII. Generation in Brute Bodies and Living Bodies.
Spontaneous Generation 294
Senescence and Death.
I. The Different Points of View from which Death
may be regarded 307
II. Constitution of the Organisms. Partial Death.
Collective Deaths 312
III. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of
Cellular Deaths. Necrobiosis 321
IV. Apparent Perrennity of Complex Individuals 330
V. Immortality of the Protozoa and of Slightly
Differentiated Cells 334
VI. Lethality of the Metazoa and of Differentiated
Cells 340
VII. Man. The Instinct of Life and the Instinct of
Death 345
Index 361
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