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of W. Roux. Each biologist of any mark had his own, and the list is endless. But here already this domain of theoretical speculation is checked on various sides by experiment. J. Loeb, a pure physiologist, has recently given his researches a direction in which zoology believes may be found the explanation of the mysterious part played by the male element in fecundation. On the other hand, the first experiment of the artificial division of the living cell (merotomy), with its light upon the part played by the nucleus in the preservation and regeneration of the living form, is also the work of a physiological experimenter. It dates back to 1852, and is due to Augustus Waller. This experiment was made on the sensitive nervous cell of the spinal ganglions and on the motor cell of the anterior cornua of the spinal cord. The effects were correctly interpreted twelve or fifteen years later. All that zoologists have done is to repeat, perhaps unconsciously, this celebrated experiment and to confirm the result.

Thus we see that the attack upon the vitalist sanctuary has commenced. But it would be a grave mistake to suppose that final cause and vital force are on the point of being dislodged from their entrenchments. Philosophical speculation has an ample field before it. Its frontiers may recede. For a long time yet there will be room for a more or less modernized vitalism.

§ 2. The Physiological Domain properly so called.

Vitalism is even found installed in the region of physiology, although for the moment this science limits its ambition to the consideration of the com-