Page:Life and death of Judas Iscariot, or, The lost and undone son of perdition.pdf/16

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Thus was the Lord of Life condemn’d,
On Calv’ry’s mount to die,
As Moses’ Serpent so was he
There lifted up on high.

'Twas not for sins that were his own,
He there shed forth his blood,
But that such sinners vile as we,
Might be brought near to God.
Let us obey the gospel call,
Now while it is to-day,
Lest ere to-morrow Death should cry,
To judgment come away.


NOW JUDAS, the Traitor, had no sooner seer his master condemned by the Jewish council, that his conscience upbraided him; he brought back the thirty pieces of silver, and confessed he had betrayed his innocent master. But the Jewish rulers replied, that that was none of their business, h« might blame himself. And he threw back the thirty pieces of silver and went out and hanged himself; but the rope breaking, or the tree giving way, he fell and his body burst asunder, and his bowels gushed out. Then the Jews, as they thought the price of blood was not fit for the Treasury, they, as agents for Judas, gave it for the Potters-field to bury strangers in.