Page:Life and death of Judas Iscariot, or, The lost and undone son of perdition.pdf/18

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and to confer the miraculous influence of speaking with tongues on others, by the laying on of hands

Learn hence a lot’s a sacred thing,
Let’s not it vanity use.
Since God thereby has oft thought fit,
To choose and to refuse.

Let’s be content with what’s our lot.
Since God to us it gave.
Let’s pray that Christ may be the gift,
Greater can’t sinners have.

Correspondent to the twelve patriarchs, or twelve tribes of Israel, our Saviour, in the second or third year of his public ministry, first appointed, and then sent-forth twelve of his followers, whom he named Apostles. These he sent out by two’s,

SIMON PETER, and ANDREW his brother;
JAMES the son of ZEBEDEE, and JOHN his brother:
JAMES the son of ALPHEUS, and JUDE his brother;
SIMON the Canaanite, and JUDAS ISCARIOT;
MATTHIAS, succeeded Judas after the resurrection of our Lord.