Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/109

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tears streaming down their cheeks. It pained me to leave them, seeing their attachment to me, and great desire for instruction in the Christian Religion.

Friday 8th. — Arrived at York about 4 p.m. Attended a Class in the evening, where I was greatly benefited. Met the Rev. E. Ryerson from the Credit, who informed me that friends there were doing well both in temporal and spiritual things.

Saturday 9th. — This morning met some of the Schoogog Lake Indians who were waiting to attend a Camp meeting on Yonge Street next week. Enquired as to the state of religion amongst them; they informed me that they were all looking to the Great Spirit, who made them very glad in their hearts. Arrived at the Credit Village by sun set.

Sunday 10th. — Early this morning we assembled for prayer meeting, when I gave the Indians an account of my journey, and the conversion of many of our brethren; they listened attentively and were much animated with the good news they heard. At 9 a.m., we attended Sunday School, about fifty present. At 12 o'clock the Rev. J. Black preached on the Christian armour, which I explained in Indian — we were much edified by this sermon. At 4 p.m., we assembled again, when I endeavoured to explain the Lord's prayer. I trust we all felt it profitable.

Friday 15th. — Attended the funeral of Charlotte Johns, aged 12 years, who died last evening. She had been serious and concerned for the salvation of her soul about two years, and was regular in her devotions and attendance at school. During her sickness she manifested great desire to go to heaven, and her mother informed me that she often talked about Jesus. No doubt she is now with him singing his praises in the courts above. After a short discourse, I committed the body to the earth, there to lie till the trump of