Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/119

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many could spell in two syllables, the rest in their abs. This school was opened on the 13th of November, 1827, and has been increasing in numbers ever since. The scholars manifest great fondness for learning. In the evening I preached on the parable of the Ten Virgins; great attention marked their desire to improve in religious knowledge. O Lord, bless my feeble efforts amongst this people!

Saturday 29th. — Kept school in the forenoon, and in the afternoon crossed the lake to Captain Anderson's, where the Chief, Peter Rice Lake, lives. Has a comfortable log house 18 x 18, which he built principally with his own hands. Towards evening returned to the mission, and at candle-light gave my brethren a lecture on the Ten Commandments, which most of them can repeat in their own language.

Sunday 30th. — At 9 o'clock we had a Sabbath school of about 60 scholars. At the close I addressed the children on the duty of improving time, and the love of Jesus Christ to little children. This affected them much. At 11, a. m., preached to a crowded congregation on the prodigal son. A serious attention was apparent, and many tears bespoke that they felt the force and power of Divine truth. To God be all the glory! In the afternoon held a class meeting; it was a very interesting time indeed. O what comfort my soul takes in hearing my brethren declare what God hath done for them in opening their eyes to see the good way, and comforting their hearts by the Holy Spirit. May God ever preserve them in this way until he brings them all home to glory! At the close of this meeting I again urged on them the necessity of striving to live unblamable lives, that their enemies might find no occasion to speak reproachfully of their Christian profession.

Monday 31st. — Kept school, and in the evening endeavoured to instruct them on the nature and design of prayer, from the Lord's prayer, A blessed time to our souls.