Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/153

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affairs. He appeared interested for the prosperity of the Indians. Spent the night at Dr. Morrison's.

Thursday 24th. — This morning I met with the Rev. Mr. Scott, a Baptist Minister, and an Agent for the New England Church Missionary Society. He informed me he had commenced a school at Schoogog Lake, and was employing Mr. Hurd as a Teacher. He also said that as the Indians had become Methodists, he would not interfere with our proceedings, as his main object was to assist them in their temporal concerns. Remained the day and night with this gentleman, as we intended travelling together the next morning.

Saturday 26th. — Arrived at Mr. Hurd's, about a mile and a half from Schoogog Lake, where the Indians were encamped. After taking some refreshment we went to their camp. The Indians appeared very glad to see me, and after a hearty shake of the hand the horn was sounded to give notice of a meeting. We then proceeded to the Indian chapel, and commenced the worship of God by singing and prayer. I then spoke to them on the goodness of God in sparing our lives, and delivering us from so many dangers to which we had been exposed during our absence from each other. The congregation, in number about 100, were much affected; some fell to the ground, and many shouted. I then called on Brother C. Goose (an Indian), to exhort, which he did very much to the purpose. He likewise gave me an account of their faithfulness in serving God, and faith in Jesus Christ. The Schoogog and Mud Lake Indians are nearly all here, where they intend planting the ensuing summer. The school is at present closed on account of the illness of the teacher, Mr. Aaron Hurd: lodged at Mr. Hurd's.

Sunday 27th. — Preached to the Indians in the forenoon; two or three of the brethren exhorted. A very good time. At 1 o'clock I preached to the white people, in Widow Baton's barn, from Acts xvi. 30, 31 — giving the Indians the substance. The